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Mother Daughter Miracles

Christy B.

"Dear Dr. & Kathy Nemeh,

Last month, on January 18th, my daughter, my co-worker and I drove from Iowa to come there for a couple of medical appointments with Dr. Nemeh and we arrived before a bad snowstorm had hit. I had two appointments scheduled with him: one that Friday night we got in and the other was the first appointment of the day on Saturday. My daughter, Emily, and my co-worker, Nancy, both joined in on the appointments and then all three of us had a ticket for the prayer service on Sunday.

I am writing as both of you had asked us ever so kindly to stay in touch. We have so much goodness to share from what we have experienced, but I won’t be able to write you about everything as I know how precious your time is and when I had explained some of our story to family members it took several hours. I will try to keep this short and sweet.

So first let me say, how extremely thankful we are for the both of you! We have shared our experience with many people and have loaned out our two copies of Miracles Every Day to multiple people, even before coming. The visit we had there was life changing for my daughter and I for so many reasons. The most important thing that has occurred is I feel like my heart was pierced during my appointment and nothing has been the same for me since. Emily, my daughter, who is nineteen years old has mentioned having the same experience.

Dr. Nemeh spent so much time with us the first night that it was after 1:00 a.m. before he went home. Not only did he treat me with his acupuncture and such but the prayers he said were not only for me, BUT he also took the time to pray for my co-worker and my daughter. It was such a touching experience and both visits were incredibly moving!

The second morning, near the end of my visit he shared with us a vision he had about the Second Coming in 2018 and things happening in the Church. I bet he spoke for nearly 45 minutes about issues that we had already had concerns and wonderings about before our visit, all the while continuing to work as he spoke. At times you could hear the urgency in his words.

We have had so many physical healings, both my daughter and I. I will name the big ones:

My daughter’s endometriosis seems to have subsided or perhaps completely disappeared and she also has stopped taking her medication. Her back is straighter and feels so much better.

I stopped all medication for Lupus and have felt great! At the same time, I have had absolutely no symptoms for fibromyalgia or Raynaud’s Syndrome either. Instead of wearing my gloves in this crazy cold weather, a lot of times I just carry them around as not having any pain in the cold has been so wonderful!

I have only had one migraine since I have gotten back which is amazing for me (normally I have 8 or so a month). Also a week or so after being home all my neck and hand pain from arthritis has completely left. My back arthritis pain too has been feeling like it is continuing to lift. We are both eternally grateful for having been able to come there and have this opportunity to meet you all in person and being able to talk and discuss such important things. It has made our hearts so, so happy!

After returning home, I think both our hearts were left there in Ohio somewhere. It is hard to explain, but it was like a deep loss. We both felt such a profound connection to both of you. I mentioned to Kathy at the healing service I felt like we had just found our long, lost relatives and she reminded me we are all related. You both have been placed in our hearts forever and my daughter and I both pray for you guys every single day.

One more thing I would like to mention, since coming home we so luckily stumbled onto the Issam’s Insights on Blind Faith Live as well as the Miracle Moments and Keeping It Real with Kathy! J We are hooked and learning so much from Dr. Nemeh & absolutely love hearing from Kathy, too. She is very spunky and we love her spirit!

Emily is back at the University of Northern Iowa now but we both listen on our own to the podcasts & even take notes. When we see each other on the weekends we share what we are learning. Emily has felt since she was a little girl that we are in the End Times and has told me several times she thought it would be during her lifetime…she had told me these things before I had ever really given it a lot of thought. She is very “connected” as Dr. Nemeh puts it and has had some very special events in her life with angels and other unique experiences that a person just can’t explain other than God reaching into her life. I have seen so many things happening in recent years that I too do not doubt “we are in it” (End Times that is).

We have been very busy sharing what has happened there in Ohio for us and the thousands of other miracles you all have had by again telling others about the book and now also the podcasts.

Our lives will NEVER be the same and this is most definitely a good thing but at the same time it is a bit difficult. At times, each one of us feels like we just don’t fit in as well anymore. I think both of us have always been different than the main stream but this has been more a more profound change that others can see & I sense recently are wondering what happened to us. Neither one of us is no longer worried what someone will think of when we choose to do something or not…now we both are only concerned with what God will think.

Also, one thing that has stuck with me is how Dr. Nemeh shared how he is so connected to Jesus he isn’t scared of anything....then looked right at me and repeated, “nothing!” I felt like that message was for me personally and is something I will always remember.

I don’t know how you thank two people for changing our lives in so many beautiful ways. I wished we lived closer to participate or help with your ministry in one way or another as I know we would both drop anything and be there in an instant. We have both shared with each other that we wished we lived there now for these reasons. If there is ever anything we can do for you, please let us know. We are willing to do anything we can to help others get connected to God as well. We will continue sharing and hopefully sending others your way for more healings…. especially of people’s hearts/minds.

Take care and may God bless you both for all you do for God and for others! You have truly blessed our lives in more ways than I could ever express. I have put all of your healing services on our calendar and if we can get out there again we will….and hopefully bring some more family members & friends with us.

Many Blessings,

Christy Blake

PS—We have also both discovered that since being back our gluten intolerance also has left! That was a very fun discovery!!"


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Address: 26031 Center Ridge Rd Suite C

Westlake, Ohio  44145 

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