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Cindy C.

Healing for Halbe the Horse

"Hi Kathy,

I just wanted to give you an update on another miracle that has happened! This past weekend I had Dr. Nemeh pray over a picture of one of my horses who came down with cancer this spring. He was suddenly riddled with tumors and I took him to Michigan State University and they biopsied them and said it was something they had never seen before and they weren't ruling out cancer. Anyway, they sent him home with three weeks of antibiotics. After a round of cortisone and Other drugs absolutely no improvement was noted. The bad thing was the 12 tumors were on his sheath which was very swollen and I feared as they grew he wouldn't be able to urinate. The tumors or whatever they were were so entangled with each other the university said they could not be removed. I had Dr. Nemeh pray over his picture at the healing service Sunday and at the office. Today I checked him and the tumors are 90% gone off his stomach and his sheath and all of the swelling is gone!


Cindy C."

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